Work With a Team of Machining and Welding Experts

Production Services is a multigenerational business that has been operating for more than 40 years. Our highly experienced team can create large volumes of items for your project or customize the specifications for the one part you can't get.

Our Story

Edgar and Duane “Bodie” Farnsworth started Production Services in 1979. Back then, the focus of our business was to create box-nailing machines.

The industry changed from wood packaging to corrugated boxes in 1995. Edgar and Duane decided that they had to change with the times and apply the skills they developed in building machinery toward providing their services to others. The father-and-son team then started following the job shop process, specializing in small-run, specialty jobs.

In 2007, they expanded and created a new foundation for the next generation. They added CNC machines to the business that allowed the company to offer new services to our customers with custom made-parts at much larger quantities, much faster.

The addition of CNC machinery opened new doors and dream for our family. It also brought a new family member into the company. Duane’s oldest son, Kyle, who joined the business in 2004, became the programmer and manager of the CNC department. In 2023 Kyle took over day-to-day control of the business as President.

The opportunity to add the Industrial Store division in 2021 expanded the footprint with our customers by providing safety equipment, industrial motors, and other parts. This division has further solidified our partnerships with our existing clients and brought new ones.

Edgar Farnsworth passed away in 2015, leaving a legacy that every member of our family treasures. His word was his bond, which is why we continue to follow his motto, “If It Is Worth Doing, Do It Right,” to continue his legacy.


Physical :
5292 S. Portola Avenue
Del Rey, CA 93616

Mailing :
PO Box 155
Del Rey, CA 93616-0155

Telephone: (559) 888-2432
FAX: (559) 888-2432

Kyle Farnsworth

Outside Sales :
Brandon Heflin
Telephone: (559) 977-5393

Inside Sales :
Eric Phillips

Accounts Receivables/Payables :
Accounting Department